Nov 18, 2022
How Long Can My Car Repair Take?
A car repair usually depends on the auto shop factors and the damage incurred. The article will help you in briefing yourself about how long car repair might take.
If you have ever gotten yourself into a collision, you are sure to have experienced the anxiety that comes with having to leave your car at the workshop. One of the first questions owners tend to ask after being detailed about the repair process is, “How long will the repairment take?”. Sadly, there is no one answer to that. It all depends on the extent and nature of the damage and repair required. Every inflicted damage will come with a different repair time, depending on the vehicle’s specifications, internal mechanisms, vehicle parts availability, and the repair service you are availing of.
There is no set formula to help you calculate the exact time your car repair can take. However, we can surely help you to get an estimated idea by considering different factors. Certain car repairs can take hours to a day, to car repairs take days to weeks. Be sure to take your car to a trusted agency, and never shy away from asking for the estimated repair time. You can compare your vehicle’s damage to the different factors we have gone through in this article.
The first thing you ought to identify is if your car will be undergoing minor or major repair.
Minor Car Repairs:
Minor faults are experienced by cars frequently. These are the repairs that take little time to repair, from a few hours to a day. Minor repairs can be fixed quickly as they are less time-consuming and less dependent on components that can cause repair delays. Some minor repairments include windshield replacement, minor body dents, bumper damage, and minor auto body works.
Windshield Repair:
Windshield damage is often repaired through windshield resin or replacement of the windshield. In the windshield resin repair method, the resin is injected into the chip or crack, preventing it from further expanding and helping in strengthening the affected area. For a windshield damage repair, you will have to leave your car at the workshop for around 24 hours.
Minor Body Dents:
Minor body dents are another frequently occurring damage. The repair of these dents is a simple process. The mechanic will need to pull the dent out, a filler will be used to restore the car’s affected surface. The area will be painted over and smoothed out to achieve the finished look. Minor body repairs take around 24 to 48 hours.
Bumper Damage:
Depending on the extent of the damage and the availability of the bumper for the vehicle model, a bumper repair can around 24 hours to 3 days. The process usually involves the detachment of the bumper, and the affected area is treated, painted and smoothed over. The painting can dry in 6 to 8 hours, making the curation process take the longest.
Major Car repairs
In the case of significant car damage, as observed after collisions, car repair will take much longer. If the auto body shop gives an estimated repair time of a few weeks to a few months, this is normal. The mechanic will have to need to do a thorough inspection and diagnose the affected components. Different components will also need to be ordered on demand. This whole process can usually take much longer compared to minor repairs. Some common major repairments are engine replacement, transmission repair, and other internal parts replacement.
Internal Parts Replacement:
In case of damage to the multipart, some internal parts will be damaged beyond repair. The mechanic will need to inspect all such parts thoroughly to avoid any surprise findings once the repair process begins. The parts not available at the auto body shop will be ordered on demand. This can take weeks to a month.
Multiple Areas of Damage:
When dealing with cars with significant damage, the affected parts are not confined to a few. Most of the time, the repair components are more than the replacement components. For repair, the mechanic will need to remove the affected part, fix it, paint it, curate it, and then fix it back. When this is being done for more than one area, it can take from a month to a few.
How long will the dealership hold my car for repair?
In case you are having your car repaired by a dealership, the time they will be holding your car can vary. Again, this is not something that will have a set answer but will depend on several factors. In most cases, it will depend on the extent of the damage. This takes around a few days It can take from a day to a few weeks and even a few months. In case of damage caused by collisions, the dealership cannot start working on the repair before getting the claim paperwork settled. Your dealership will be briefing you on the time after inspecting your vehicle and settling any required claims.
Factors that can affect your car repair time:
There are certain factors that auto shops will be taking into consideration when concluding your car’s estimated repair time.
Damage Severity:
Not all damages will take the same amount of time to fix. Damages like windshield damage, bumper damage, and engine damage can be fixed within a day or a few. However, the damages the car will be exposed to after a collision will be more and will need more repairmen time. With a major collision, the auto body shop will have to make sure they are inspecting every part properly so that no issues are left unresolved that can cause you inconvenience later on.
Availability of Auto Parts:
The availability of auto parts is one most common delaying factors in repairs. If a component is available for replacement, the mechanic can go through the replacement process and install it in a day or two at most. However, if the part is not available, the auto shop is depending on the manufacturer. Sourcing these parts from the manufacturer through demand can be a long process. This will also depend on your vehicle’s model. Luxury car parts are not readily available and will need to be demanded from the manufacturer. The process can take weeks to months.
Vehicles Age:
If you own a vehicle that has been discontinued or a vehicle that is brand new in the market. The availability of auto parts for such cars is often hard. Sourcing these auto parts from the manufacturer can be challenging and will take weeks to months. If your vehicle is commonly used and has been around the market for a long time, the availability of auto parts is often not as challenging,
The time your car’s repair will take depends on the damage extent as well as the make of your car. Different dealerships will also have their own policies that can require paperwork. This can also affect the time your car repair will take. Hand your vehicle to a trustworthy auto body shop so that you won’t have to worry about any misconduct. It is always encouraged to ask about the time estimates. This can help in avoiding misunderstandings and surprises down the road.